Monday, March 15, 2010

Blogging through The Orthodox Heretic day 22

I'm back on schedule!!!

The Believer tells us the story of a man who considers religion irrational yet is seen praying a prayer that many others believe will bring wealth and health. When asked about it, the man states that of course he does not believe it will work... but the priest had assured him that the prayer works even when you don't believe it.

I'm not entirely sure I understand where Pete is taking this but it made me remember back to a time when I was very ill and the prognosis was not clear. I remember not wanting to pray. It wasn't that I stopped believing in God, I just didn't believe God would do answer in a positive way. I later found out that a large number of people, some of whom I didn't get along with, were praying for me. I believe it was those prayers that got me through. I'm glad that when I didn't believe, someone else did.

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