Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Station 1

As I said in my previous post, Alexis did the paintings and wrote the prayers for our stations at Cambridge Drive Church. Because the tradition of the Stations of the Cross is foreign to our tradition, she was freed to interpret the stations in ways that go far afield from the tradition. The paintings are abstract. The prayers are personal. I hope you find them helpful in your faith journey.

Opening Prayer:

Dear Creator – Thank you for your greatest miracle, and your greatest gift. I walk now, remembering your walk two thousand years before. My heart meditating on the world’s most awesome power, your love.

The First Station: Jesus is Condemned to Die

Prayer for the First Station:

Some will accuse and some will attack. When words come at me like swords, I pray for understanding of hurt hearts and of frightened minds. Give me strength to be wise, still my heart of confusion, give me clarity to see, and grant me peace to forgive.

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