Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Al Qaida endorses...


We've all seen the e-mails floating around saying that Al Qaida is behind Obama... but here is a report regarding encrypted e-mails intercepted by a US intelligence contractor. This one actually makes sense to me from a strategic point of view.From what I know about Al Qaida, McCain makes a lot more sense for their agenda. And if there would be a terrorist incident before the election, it would likely help McCain more than Obama...

Of course, the question is, does it matter who Al Qaida wants to win the election? It seems to me the answer is clearly, "No." We need to elect the person whom we believe will do the best job as president for the US. The answer for me is again clear - Obama. And it is just a fortunate coincidence that is not the person that Al Qaida wants to win.

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