Wednesday, February 01, 2006

so much going on

boy, you don't put a blog up for a few days and the topics are endless. So, here they are in thumbnails:

Alexis is doing well although she does have an infection and has had to go on a different anti-biotic.

The W said pretty much what I expected in the SOTU and I was as unhappy as I expected.

The house voted yesterday to cut about 40 Billion dollars, mostly from programs aimed at the poor. Including 13 B cut from education. I was reminded of a scriture passage this morning where Ezekiel gives the real reason why Sodom was destroyed - Ezekiel 16:49 (NRSV) "This was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy."

The Steelers are still picked to win the superbowl... with the point spread running from 3 to about 4.5 I think. One of my congregation members gave me a Steelers AFC Championship t-shirt. I think I'll wear it on Sunday.

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