Saturday, September 24, 2005

hating the church

Angela, one of my new friends from Soliton posted on her blog last week (hey, I'm slow) two pieces where she talks about hating the church with at least a little bit of guilt about her feelings.
I think it is the Holy Spirit at work. In a comment on her blog, her husband Rob says that he feels like a reformer. I think this is more true than any of us realize. I believe that this discontent is just setting the stage for a change that God has already begun - a change which will be at least as radical as the reformation was. I think both the little mom & pop churches will disappear but so will the massive Walmart mega-churches. Instead, we will see small communities, committed to mission, accountability, creativity, and following Jesus in their context. I think the new church will do theology in a different way (see orthodoxy & orthopraxy below). I think the forms will be myriad as the gospel will be contextualized in the setting of each individual community of faith. I think we may not recognize it as a church, but God will be there doing a beautiful and wonderful new thing and the Church will be stronger than it has ever been.


Anonymous said...

Roy -

First of all, thanks for the "honorable mention" he he he. It is amazing to me how much conversation has been sparked by these entries. Not all of it has been easy but it has been a time of growth for me and my surrounding community. Thanks for your support.

- angela

Jon Reid said...

I think it is a God thing. So is your encouragement to Angela.