Wednesday, May 03, 2006


For months I've been looking at my links and realizing that they didn't reflect the blogs I actually read. I had Tall Skinny Kiwi there because all Christian blogs have to have that link right? But I never read Tall Skinny Kiwi. Gone. I regularly read Dennis McFadden's His Barking Dog. Dennis is a friend and I deeply appreciate him although we disagree about at least as much as we agree. I read him to see what thoughtful folk on the right are thinking about. Added. Billy Calderwood is a local pastor who is extremely thoughtful and creative and a great guy but I didn't have a link to his blog before... added.

A few others disappeared and a few were added so the links are more reflective of what I actually read regularly. so... follow the links and get an idea of some of the stuff I read. BTW, they are in no particular order.


Dennis E. McFadden said...


How very gracious (i.e., "liberal") of you! You have made my day. I deeply appreciate you and check your blog at least 2x daily to see what "thoughtful folk" on the left "are thinking about." You are one of my VERY favorite dialogue partners because you EMBODY the kind of gracious Christian demeanor that we should all aspire to radiate.



roy said...

ditto Dennis. I deeply appreciate you and trust you completely.

with love,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the props Roy!

Suzanna said...

I'm adding you too, because I read yours.