We're on Vacation now in south central New Mexico in a little town called Las Cruces at the foot of the Organ Mountains in the photo. The ads say that there are 350 sunny days a year here. A menu at a local restaurant said "Annual Rainfall? Yeah right..." Well of the 4 days we have been here, we've had three with rain including last evening that looked like a light show with over 300 lightning strikes in the area. Other than that, it has been a restful trip. It is beautiful as only the desert can be and the chilis are HOT!
One of our issues was to look for some proerty to purchase. Things are booming here with an incredible number of housing starts at what seem to our California sensibilities as extremely reasonable prices. We saw a number of houses we'd love to live in. Too bad they are not in Santa Barbara at these prices. We're not clear wheter purchasing here makes sense but it is something to think about.
Being on vacation has kept me from any comments on the Democratic debate. I did hear some of the snipes against Obama for not being forceful enough and the descriptions of Gravel being too far to the left when he said that the military folk who have died in Iraq have died in vain and that the only thing worse than having one soldier die in vain was to have another do so. All I can say is that Gravel was right.
So do you think that the area of New Mexico that you are considering living in will mesh with your leftist views and opinions? Will you be able to confidently continue your liberal rants outside of the safety of your fellow pseudo-intellectual liberal California cronies? Something to consider before moving...
Would my views mesh with those in Las Cruces? Got me. Obviously it is a very different place than any I've lived. I'm not anywhere near moving anywhere at this point, just thinking about property (which I can't possibly afford in Santa Barbara).
Could I safely continue... I guess I should tell you that I am not a Californian by history or formation. I grew up in blue collar Pittsburgh and spent the 27 years of my life prior to Santa Barbara in Philadelphia and Albany, NY. I don't consider my rants "Californian" at all...
but thanks for stopping by
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