Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Last night I attended a meeting with 5 leaders from the American Baptist Churches headquarters. The region that my congregation is part of - ABC of the pacific Southwest - has begun a process to remove itself from the denomination.
Some expected that the purpose was to garner support and even change the minds of some leaders in the region. I didn't see the intent that way. My read of the purpose was to offer a way for churches to remain in ABC and to communicate that to the leaders who wanted to hear it. It was, I expect, thought to be preaching to the choir.
Roy Medley, the general secretary of the denomination, was obviously saddened by his task. Still, I think he did a masterful job, although no doubt unsatisfying to the right. He was particularly good at deflecting false dichotomies such as "principles vs. polity" and "scriptural authority vs. soul liberty." In both cases, he stated clearly and forcefully that the two ideas are not in conflict with each other.
In general, there was little new information but I felt it was worthwhile for them to have some face time in the region.
Will it deter PSW from leaving ABC? I doubt it, but again I did not understand that as their purpose. It did continue to underscore some of the differences between those on the far right of our denomination with what I would characterize as the main stream of Baptist tradition.

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