Monday, September 16, 2013

two weeks

Two weeks ago, Corwin Alexander Busby mad his debut into the world.   A week ago, I met him for the first time and have gotten to spend the last week with him, my daughter, and my son-in-law.  Someone recently told me that the love between a grandparent and a grandchild is the purest form of love.  I don't know whether that is accurate or not but I understand the idea.  As a grandparent I approach the child with only one agenda... to enjoy his presence.  And I do... how I do...

I told Corwin that he is my favorite person in the entire world.  He responded by filling his diaper... "How do you like me now?"  I was excited!  I got to change his diaper again.  I am truly and absolutely in love.

I don't have many photos of him awake... it seems that most of the time he is not sleeping, he is eating...  so, here is one.

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