Saturday, February 20, 2010

Blogging through the Orthodox Heretic, day 4

Again today, Pete's parable begins with a scripture passage. Jesus is speaking to the masses of the poor and the marginalized, telling them to turn the other check, give their cloak, carry a burden... and then he turns to us and says, "These words are not for you. You will strike someone and they will turn their check, take a shirt and they will give you their cloak, order them to labor and they will do more... these people are my message to you."

Some years back I interviewed at a church in a very wealthy community. I spoke with the interim pastor who advised me, "the up and outers need good news too." I wonder what is the good news to those of us who often by our lives contribute to the pain and oppression of others? What do the words of Jesus say to me when I am the one at the center of power rather than the one on the margins?

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