Tuesday, June 03, 2008

two of a kind

I love paradoxes. Indeed, I think paradox is at the core of any Christian theology worth doing.

As I look at John McCain, I feel a paradox. As the funny video below says, he really promises to be just like George Bush. That represents my greatest hope - because if people actually know and believe that he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of being elected and my greatest fear - because if people don't see that he could be elected and we'd have 4 more years of the same. I don't think the world can take that.

In the meantime, have a smile courtesy of MoveOn...


Anonymous said...

There's a great piece in the current NYRB on how McCain's politics have drifted right in the last few years. I sense the paradox too, because the guy McCain used to be might well have been a *good* thing for President at this time.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to laugh so hard when McCain wins the presidency in November. The Democrats are just plain stupid...they haven't learned how to play the game. Your party always bets the bank on the current "It" person of the moment, rather than bring to the front people within their party who have been known for years and who have built up a level of trust from being known. Did your party learn anything from the joke of a candidate John Kerry??? Bush beat him at a time when Bush wasn't even really liked that much!

All you guys are good at is bitching and moaning. You could learn something from the Republican party if you took the time to calm down and think rationally for once. You may just win the White House again if you did so.

roy said...


it is very possible that the democrats haven't learned to play the game... but the game is very different from the one you're describing.

"rather than bring to the front people within their party who have been known for years and who have built up a level of trust from being known."

??? Think of that for a second. George W. Bush known for years and having built up a level of trust?

The only thing that W brought to the table was his father's name. He was an executive of failed companies, a deserter from the military, and a governor of a state where the governor has next to no power.

As for November... we shall see...

and thanks for stopping by